If you listen to the news, you’d be forgiven for thinking that right now investing in shares is one of the worst things you could do with your money. But despite the doom and gloom there have also been some real winners in the Australian stock market over the last year or so.
Fortunately our markets haven’t been hit as hard as around the world which is why many overseas investors are now looking to invest here in Australia for the big returns rather than their own countries.
So I thought I’d have a look at some of the bigger companies listed in the ASX20 to see if any of them have actually produced a good profit for investors.
Yep I thought it was about time we talked about the good news rather than focus on the bad. It’s all positivity and mung beans here folks. (Except for the mung beans – they are completely optional).
Anyway …
10 out of the 20 companies listed in the ASX20 have made a profit in the last 12 months. Yep half of them. 50%. The glass is half full baby.
Some of them have been particularly good as well. There is BXB with an increase of 13.4%, NCM with 10.2%, and TLS with a massive 21.8% gain.
Investors who had those in their portfolios will be laughing all the way to the bank about now.
And that was only looking at 20 of the companies in the Australia stock exchange. Imagine how many winners I could find if I looked at everything in the All Ords!
And you might have known that I’ve had a keen eye on Telstra for a while now anyway and I first mentioned it on this blog back on 2nd May as one to watch. It was $2.89 back then and now it’s at $3.11.
Plus those mentioned above all have ROE’s over 15% (one of the components that I look for in my Shopping for Shares book).
Anyway, I just wanted to give a positive share market story to counteract all the negative ones. Now if you’ll excuse me I’ve got some mung beans to eat.
Tracey xx