How Do You Get Wealthy?

Wealth is one of those things that no one can really explain where the line from not wealthy to wealth becomes. We all know it includes money and riches, but exactly how much do you need to be considered wealthy? And is money the only criteria? In my mind, wealth is different from the word […]

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5 Personal Finance Habits to Start Today

5 Personal Finance Habits

Habits. Some habits are good for us, some, not so much.  Which is why developing healthy and productive habits in our lives is something to strive for. When it comes to building long term wealth, it makes sense that creating habits around our spending patterns and savings plans, can go a long way in sticking […]

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6 Things To Stop Buying To Save Money

It’s just expected that we accumulate stuff. Right? Everywhere we look it’s about the next newest shiniest thing that we must have to be better, cooler, fitter, more beautiful inside and out, and … it’s too much. You come to a point where you buy so much stuff you don’t need because it’s just something […]

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