30 Day Spending Detox by Tracey Edwards

30 Day Spending Detox: The Simple Plan to Save Money & Get Out Of Debt in One Month

Tracey Edwards


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Print version also available at online stores (including bookdepository.com & more).


How much money could you save in one month if you stopped spending on unnecessary items?  $100? $1,000? More?

30 Day Spending Detox will help you to save money and get out of debt in one month by stopping one little thing – spending.

Stop spending?  Are you serious?

Yes.  But only for one month.

Our culture has become focused on buying things and spending money without even thinking about it, by becoming more mindful about where your money is going and putting yourself on a debt diet, you can bring back the balance between your spending and saving.  I’ll take you by the hand and help you to do your own spending detox (because I just did one).

In this book, you’ll learn

– how to save money on everything from groceries, entertainment, and travel (including setting up a simple budget that you’ll stick to)

– how to deal with unexpected expenses that arise (by having an emergency fund)

– how to make extra money (tips for earning money online, from your hobbies, and more)

– and what to do with the savings you make (which debts to pay off first, where to invest your money, and more).

Personal finance is sometimes made to be more complicated than it needs to be.  Money management can be simple – just spend less than you earn.  And this challenge will help you to see that you can cut the spending cycle and gain power over your finances again.

So how much money can you save this month?

Also by Tracey Edwards: